General Chinese

General Chinese

Reference (Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Bibliographies) An Encyclopaedia on Chinese History, Literature and Art

Edited by Dr. U. Theobald, Senior Lecturer, Department of Chinese Studies, University of Tübingen, Germany.

East Asian Information Literacy Tutorial

A series of short video tutorials on researching with Chinese, Japanese, and Korean topics and languages.

NTI Buddhist Text Reader

A general purpose Chinese text reader and Chinese-English dictionary with an emphasis on Buddhist terminology.

萌典 Chinese (to English) Dictionary

From the Taiwan Ministry of Education, this online Chinese (to English) dictionary also includes classical definitions of Chinese terms.

Apps and Programs

Duolingo Individual registration required.

A mobile app for learning languages, including Chinese.

The Mixxer: Language Exchange for Everyone Individual registration required.

Hosted by Dickinson College, the site is open to anyone looking to practice a with a native speaker in exchange for help with their own.

Related Books

National Central Library (NCL) E-Publication Platform System 國家圖書館電子書刊送存閱覽服務系統 Mixed abstract and full-text. Individual registration required.

E-books available for individual check out (registration required). English interface available here. Not all books are available for online/offsite borrowing.

Textbooks for learning Chinese For current UWest patrons only.

UWest books available under the subject Chinese language--Textbooks for foreign speakers--English.